Thank you to all our donors who contributed in 2022 to our Capitol Renovation Project. We have made a ton of progress and enjoyed showing you where your dollars went.
The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem, NH hosts over 100,000 club member visits annually. Our physical building is now on 20 years of service. Although this building will absolutely last another 2 decades, it is showing signs of being "well loved".
In order to ensure our facility remains both state-of-the-art and efficiently functional for our member's needs, we are hosting a Protect Our Investment Wine Gala as part of our 2022 Capital Campaign.
With a small investment into our Club, the dividends paid by developing those who need us most into young, productive adults is immeasurable. Let's get started!
Our All New in ’22 Wine Gala was a HUGE success!
To all who attended, donated, volunteered, helped to plan, met with contractors, and donated resources for the event... THANK YOU!
We are not ready to reveal the TOTAL AMOUNT raised because we are still actively fundraising for the next month. Our goal over the next 3 years is $1,200,000, which will allow us to replace, repair and update our well-loved Club.
Please read below to find out more about our project.
Club Member visits annually.
Club Parent / Guardian Visits annually.
individual hours of outdoor grounds use for Summer Camp.
individual hours of programming involving the Arts.
individual hours of sports, fitness and recreation activity.
individual hours of league-based athletics.
different programs and activities focused on education, health, wellness, the Arts, sports, leadership, and service.
Our Current Projects
2022 Capital Campaign - Check Out Our Progress
Replace shades, spackle walls, resurfacing, general replacements.
Although we continue to patch and seal leaks, a replacement will be necessary within 2 years.
Almost all tables and chairs are nearing end of life and have been suplemented by donations.
Repair cracks, replace sidewalks, ensure accessibility.
Install door openers, repair pool entry ramp.
Boilers are currently at end of life. Replacement or repairs needed within 3 years.
Replace basketball hoops, replace bleachers.
Resurface gym floor, painting, replace wrestling mats.
Minor repair work and fresh coat of paint on all walls in all rooms.
Pool Tables, Ping Pong, Televisions, Gaming Systems, Computers, Tech.
Short-term dumpster rentals, off-site storage location.
Additional cameras for better coverage of public areas in and around the building.
Development of Staff Restroom (Adults Only).
Portions of the Club's main concrete floor will need to be addressed within 5 years for moisture.
Ice machines, deep cleaning, general equipment.
Aquire needed tools, store in a central location that is not also an office.
Every little bit helps! Thank you for your support and thank you for contributing to our Capital Campaign. While many items have been completed or are in process, there is still work to be done. Please consider a contribution to our Capital Campaign by either reaching out to Marco Abreu or click Donate Now below.
Sponsor Levels from $500 - $25k+
Join us for the Progress Open House!
Feel free to contribute now!
3 Geremonty Drive
Salem, NH 03079
Copyright © 2024 • Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem, NH